Friday 20 September 2013

Superfoods for Radiant Skin

Ever wondered what the saying "You are what you eat" means? The skin is our body's largest organ, and everything we ingest in our body is reflected through our skin. Simple as that. Most often, just because the face is free of blemishes, people assume that they are on the right track towards healthy skin. Radiant skin does not only mean zit-free, but it also refers to
  • plumpness
  • firm and even skin tone
  • unclogged pores
and much, much more! Whilst these can be achieved through the right use of products, it does not hurt to assist the process through the correct food choice.


So first I have to point out that I was gobsmacked when I found out that almonds are not nuts - they are seeds! True, look it up. Almonds are a rich source of Vitamin E, which is the ultimate sun blocker. We all have been, and continue to be, bored to death hearing about the benefits of SPFs, so I won't even go there. But apparently, the right amount of Vitamin E in almonds helps against sunburn, therefore avoiding pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, and mostly importantly, skin cancer.

Almonds can be snacked on on their own, or added to yogurts, cereals or meals. A good all-rounder is almond milk, which is solely made out of almonds and water. I could never go back to cow milk after trying this.

Almond, berry & strawberry yogurt smoothie; Roasted almonds with rosemary; Almond chicken

Pumpkin Seeds

Minerals are often left in the dark, while vitamins get all the attention. Zinc is one of those minerals acting as a 24/7 skin supplier, and pumpkin seeds are jam-packed with it. It helps in maintaining the skin's elasticity through protecting cell membranes, managing collagen, and skin renewal through ridding of dead skin cells.

Pumpkin seeds

Flax seeds & Salmon

I put these under the same category for the sole reason of being loaded with omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. These essential fats protect the cell membrane, which is the cell's barrier controlling what passes through. It also aids in keeping in water. Those two litres you are supposed to be drinking daily? Yup, it's captured inside cell membranes, in turn rewarding us with plump, moist soft skin, whilst keeping wrinkles at bay.

Since flax seeds may be challenging to include in your diet, I found taking capsules* to be a satisfying alternative. Or you could buy actual flax seeds, and find ways to incorporate them in your meals!

Cooked salmon; Flax seeds; Apples with peanut butter and toasted flax seeds

Tomatoes & Watermelon

Ever had any tomatoes you were about to throw away, and made your own pasta sauce with them instead? The lycopene (which is what makes the tomatoes red) that leaks out of cooked tomatoes may just be the fix against anti-aging from UV rays - it gets rid of accumulating free radicals. Not used to cooking your own pasta sauce? You can substitute it with watermelon instead. Although I think you may be slightly screwed in winter.

Fresh watermelon; Tomato sauce; Pasta with fresh tomato sauce

 Canned Tuna

Good news to those who enjoy having their lunch consisting of tuna, or those who devour tuna straight out of the can. It is a rich source of selenium, which retains elastin; a protein known for the tightness and smoothness of the skin. However, you may want to consider keeping your distance from others after consumption, or replace with brazil nuts, turkey ham or whole-wheat bread. A little more breath refreshing. 

Canned tuna; Whole-wheat bread; Brazil nuts


Apparently,  carrots are not only beneficial for eagle eyes. The beta-carotene, an antioxidant that is transformed into Vitamin A, helps in clearing out breakouts through unclogging pores.
Stressful times? No worries, pass over those carrot sticks and dip. Homemade, of course.

Fresh carrots; Carrot sticks with dip; Carrot juice

Dark Chocolate

A good excuse to snack on chocolate? We're all ears. Cocoa, one of the main ingredients of dark chocolate, is imbued with flavonoids. Flavonoids reduce skin roughness, while preventing UV damage. I've heard people saying that chocolate breaks them out multiple times. This all falls on what type of chocolate are they reaching for. Not even every dark chocolate bar contains the right amount of flavonoids, as sometimes they are extracted due to their bitter taste. The solution is to seek organic dark chocolate*, which contains up to 70%, or more, cocoa.

Dark chocolate; Cocoa beans; Cocoa hot chocolate

Berries (strawberries, blueberries, blackberries), Kiwi, Pineapple

Along with other tropical fruit, these babies are stocked up with Vitamin C. A mighty antioxidant, Vitamin C battles against free radicals, while producing collagen.

Berry smoothie; Mixed berries; Berry smoothie pie


Being one of those guilty individuals that do not always drink up to two litres of water daily, I sometimes notice that my skin is dehydrated (despite being a combination) and lackluster. Not only does water ambush toxins out of the body, or delivers nutrients to every cell, but it also penetrates cell membranes, keeping them stout. As a result, the skin appears more plump and hydrated, emitting that extra glow.

Cannot stand the taste, or rather lack, of water? Add slices of lime, lemon or oranges to spice things up. No excuses.

Water with lemon slices; Glass of water; Water with orange slices

* Sold in Holland & Barrett local stores


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  2. Thank you for your lovely comment :)

    Will check out your blog!


  3. So random but I absolutely love this post and your blog for that matter. Consider me a happy new follower and I can't wait to read your future posts.
    Becka! :) x

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet comment :) Glad you like my blog!

