Thursday, 19 December 2013

Travel: London 2013

Can't believe I'm actually writing a post on my birthday (although posted two days late), especially since I have not written for a month. I have been very buried with University coursework - it's been nothing but assignments this semester. And it seems like they have our Christmas holidays all planned out as well. Anyway, enough of university blabbering - it's Christmas time! December is my favourite month of the year, and it is not just because of my birthday and Christmas, which are just one week apart. It is usually during this month that you get to meet up with people and have a proper catch up, be it for cocktails or a proper night out.

I have also been on holiday to London during the first week of December, which is where I have done most, if not all, of my Christmas shopping. It's not that Maltese people aren't festive, but the British seem to celebrate Christmas way better than here. Not mentioning Oxford Street's decorations, which are incomparable to anything here, you seem to hear Christmas carols in coffee shops, restaurants, in the street, markets... everywhere. I am actually a bit bummed that I did not get to go to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park, however we were a bit tight on time. Also, on our last day it was pouring rain, and we had to leave Southbank Market and go back to our hotel. If you live in Malta, you would have a highly offbeat idea of a market.

Covent Garden is magical by itself, let alone in Christmas time. It is where we had the best meal compared to the mountainous amount of junk food we came across when stopping for lunch in the afternoon.

Considering I ended up more skint than I thought upon coming back from London, it may be while until I return to London. I am planning something a bit more relaxed for my next holiday, consisting of no shopping whatsoever. Maybe Greece?